Thyroid Uptake Scan


Thyroid scans are helpful in evaluating the thyroid scan, located in the front of the neck. The thyroid is responsible for controlling the body’s metabolism. This scan is commonly used to evaluate hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, and thyroid nodules. The thyroid uptake scan requires three visits to Medical Imaging. On the first visit the patient will be asked to swallow a small radioactive iodine capsule. Six hours later, the patient will return to have images taken of the thyroid and measurements of the radioiodine uptake will be taken. On the second day, the patient will return for another measurement of the radioiodine uptake. In preparation for this scan, iodine-containing drugs must not be taken for two weeks prior to the scheduled appointment. This includes radiographic contrast and thyroid hormone replacements. For 5 days prior, no shellfish or iodine-rich foods should be eaten. Additionally, patients should be NPO for four hours prior to coming in on the first day for their appointment.

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